"A Fisherman's Tale" is a VR puzzle adventure that challenges the very fabric of reality, inviting players to bend and twist their perception as they play as Bob, a miniature fisherman puppet. Living in isolation in his tiny cabin, Bob's routine is disrupted when a storm alert sends him on a quest to reach the top of a lighthouse and activate its light before the big storm hits. As he ventures out with the help of peculiar sidekicks, players are thrust into a world where physics-defying puzzles and surreal environments await, all experienced through fully immersive virtual reality. Interacting with objects in innovative ways, players will explore a recursive world within worlds, uncovering the enigmatic truth behind this unusually tall tale, exclusively in VR. Developed by INNERSPACE VR and brought to you by Vertigo Games, "A Fisherman's Tale" offers an unforgettable journey that turns expectations upside down and inside out.
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