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Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released by NCSOFT. The game combines PvP and PvE (a concept the developers call PvPvE) in a fantasy game environment. In the game, up to six players may form a group, to assist one another in battle, and share the benefits of victory. Certain areas are designed for group play and a group is required to enter some areas in the game. Up to four groups may form an Alliance for situations that call for greater force of numbers. Eight Alliances may combine to form a League, allowing for a total of 192 players participating in a given activity.

There are six subclasses, and eleven main classes in the game. Players start the game by choosing one of the six primary classes: Warrior, Mage, Scout, Priest, Technist or Muse. After attaining level 10, the player must choose from two specialized classes associated with their chosen class (with the exception of Muse, which at the time can only ascend to a Songweaver). Warriors may become a Templar or a Gladiator; Mages may become a Sorcerer or Spiritmaster; Scouts may become an Assassin or Ranger; Priests may become a Cleric or a Chanter; Technists may become a Gunslinger or Aethertech; and a Muse will become a Songweaver.

Whether it’s a level 80 Gladiator, Assassin, or Sorcerer,’ got your back. Get your Aion Online EU Accounts offered by our sellers in the Aion Marketplace so you can experience what it’s like to be all powerful. With tons of equipment and kinah, you never have to worry about those monsters again. Aion Online EU Accounts for Sale, get the best deals today!