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Allods Online is a free-to-play 3D fantasy MMORPG developed by Allods Team, formerly Astrum Nival, and published by Mail.Ru Group globally, with the international version operated by their subsidiary The game was originally released in North America on May 11, 2011.

Allods Online has many traditional MMORPG elements such as quests, NPCs,dungeons and pay to boost. It also has an element that is fairly unusual – the ability for players to build ships and sail around in a vast expanse of magical space called "the Astral". In the Astral, players can fight each other in ship-to-ship combat as well as discover new zones like the depths of astral with huge bossmonsters that cannot be reached any other way. Furthermore, ships have individual crew stations which can be operated by multiple players on the same ship together. Another way for players to test their skills is via PvP on maps such as the Holy Land. The Holy Land tends to be extremely crowded due to its position as one of the primary locations of the war between the two factions – the Empire and the League. Open PvP, utilizing a flagging system found in many traditional MMORPGs, is also available in any area of the game, and gives special bonuses to players who quest and hunt while their Flag of War is raised. There are also special areas where players can engage in large-scale PvP activities to earn unique rewards. These large scale PvP areas are called Arenas of Death and are available to players at maximum level and support up to 24 vs 24 gameplay. Open world PvP is also available between factions upon rleaving the starting-area but usually happens first in the area called "Asee Teph" which is part of the Holy Land. To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Allods Online Items from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.