Apex Legends has three in-game currencies: Crafting Metals, Legend Tokens, and Apex Coins. Crafting Metals, which you get from opening Apex Packs, unlock cosmetic items. Each tier of skin costs the same amount of Crafting Metals: Legendary skins cost 1,200; Epic skins cost 400; Rare skins cost 60; and Common skins cost 30. Technically, because you can earn Apex Packs by just playing the game, this currency is free. But you can also purchase Apex Packs with real money, netting you more Crafting Metals more quickly. It really just depends on how much of a rush you’re in to get lots of cosmetics. Legend Tokens are Apex Legends’ only entirely free currency; you’ll earn them for every match you play. They unlock characters and store-exclusive cosmetics. There are variants of cosmetics that you can only buy with Legend Tokens when they are available in the game’s store. In addition, when you first start the game, you have six of the eight characters unlocked. You can only unlock Mirage and Caustic with this currency (or by using real-world money, which we’ll get to soon). The characters cost 12,000 Legend Tokens each. You earn 600 Legend Tokens every time you level up, so it takes 20 levels to earn a character.
Apex Coins (AC) are Apex Legends' real-money microtransaction currency. You can use Apex Coins to purchase Apex Packs (which cost 100 AC per pack and are effectively cosmetic loot boxes). Apex Packs give you a chance to earn various types of loot. You can also use Apex Coins to buy specific loot items. Everything you can buy with Apex Coins, you can also buy with Crafting Materials or find inside of Apex Packs. Legendary items cost 1,800 AC. You can buy characters with Apex Coins, too. Mirage and Caustic each cost 750 AC. The Apex Legends Founder’s Pack is designed to help new players get on their feet early, while also offering a few exclusives for those who are willing to put some money into the game out of the gate. The pack costs $29.99 and includes a slew of items: 2,000 Apex Coins, exclusive Legendary Demon Hemlok weapon skin, three exclusive Roughneck character skins (for Wraith, Bloodhound, and Gibraltar), three exclusive banner frames (for Wraith, Bloodhound, and Gibraltar) one exclusive founder’s badge. Z2U.com is the leading marketplace for trading Apex Legends Apex Coins. Buyers are guaranteed delivery, and sellers are fully protected against payment fraud. Our traders are real gamers, and we do not support the use of scamming bots. Best Place to Buy Cheap Apex Legends Apex Coins now, and get the best deals today!
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With the launch of Season 23, Apex Legends introduced Rift Relics, a new feature that adds a fresh layer of loot and excitement to the game. These special loot containers spawn across the map and allow players to obtain powerful items.
The Pathfinder Mythic Skin is now live in Apex Legends, and fans of the quirky recon Legend are ready to jump in to collect it. This Mythic-tier cosmetic is as valuable as an Heirloom and brings additional perks.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth crossover event with Apex Legends is available for players now. Apex legends introduces the new Buster Sword Heirloom in this event, which is the iconic weapon in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
Many players are happy to see the release of Apex Legends Season 19. It brings new maps, features, quests and new character in the game. They know the new character Conduit adds to the game. And they are curious of how to master Conduit in Apex Legends.