In inZOI, financial stability is essential to providing a comfortable life for your Zois, ensuring they have food, housing, and everything they need. The in-game currency is called Meow, and while jobs are a reliable way to earn it, they aren't the only method. With the right approach, accumulating wealth becomes much easier. One key thing to remember is that Meow is shared within a family unit. This means that any earnings from a Zoi's workday contribute to the overall household funds, benefiting their spouse, children, and roommates. If you want to secure a prosperous future for your Zois, here are some of the best ways to make money in inZOI.
Getting a Job
ZoIs who are classified as young adults or middle-aged can secure employment through the 'Career' app on their smartphone. The process is straightforward—simply browse the available job listings, check the daily wages, and apply for the one that suits your Zoi best. Some jobs offer higher pay than others, so it's wise to compare salaries before making a decision.
If you're new to the game or want to jump ahead in progress, you can buy an inZOI account that already has a well-established Zoi with a stable career. This can help you skip the early grind and start enjoying the game with more financial freedom.
How to Get a Job?
To find employment, first, select the Zoi you want to get hired. Then, click the purple smartphone icon next to their profile picture (default key 'P'). In the 'Career' app, you'll see a list of all available positions. The top of the screen will display icons for different businesses that are hiring. Regardless of which career path your Zoi pursues, they'll always begin at the lowest rank. For instance, someone aspiring to be a Chief Firefighter must first start as a Trainee Firefighter.
It's also important to distinguish between full-time and part-time jobs. While both have similar work schedules, part-time jobs generally pay less and offer fewer career advancement opportunities. If your goal is to maximize earnings, full-time employment is the better option.
Alternatively, you can find potential workplaces by using the world map (default key 'M'). Look for purple job markers that indicate locations where Zois can find employment. Keep in mind that job opportunities vary by city. For example, Dowon has K-pop trainee positions, while Bliss Bay offers roles in amusement parks—these jobs are exclusive to their respective cities.
If you're unsure which career path suits your Zoi best, checking out the inZOI career guide can help you decide whether they should become a Pro Gamer or a Professional Gangster.
Advancing in a Career
Every Zoi starts their job at the entry level, but promotions can significantly boost their income. If you want your Zoi to earn a higher salary, focus on career paths that offer substantial wage increases over time. For instance, while both Dowon Deli workers and Trainee Firefighters start with a daily wage of 270 Meow, only the Firefighter role offers promotions, eventually increasing earnings up to 765 Meow per day.
To secure a promotion, Zois need to accumulate experience points. The easiest way to gain experience is by consistently attending work. As long as their needs are met and their schedule allows it, they will show up automatically. Additionally, career-related prompts may occasionally appear, giving you the opportunity to make choices that can further their career growth.
With dedication, a Zoi can receive their first promotion within just a few days, significantly increasing their daily income. Promotions not only raise their salary but also unlock more career opportunities, making it easier for them to accumulate wealth.
Winning the Lottery
Unlike real life, winning the lottery in inZOI is a much more feasible way to earn money. You can find lottery stands in public areas such as Central Park and purchase tickets for 5 Meow each. Although not every ticket will be a winner, the odds of winning are significantly higher compared to real-world lotteries.
Prizes range from small amounts like 25 Meow to massive jackpots of 50,000 Meow. Buying multiple tickets can increase your chances of making a profit, making it a worthwhile investment for those looking for a quick financial boost.
If you're on a budget and looking to get started without grinding too much, there are also cheap InZOI accounts available that come with well-developed Zois and existing Meow balances. This can be an efficient way to enjoy the game without starting completely from scratch.
While jobs provide a steady income, there are multiple ways to make money in inZOI. Whether through promotions, smart career choices, or even testing your luck with the lottery, you can ensure your Zois live a comfortable and prosperous life. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you'll be well on your way to accumulating wealth and making the most out of your in-game experience.