Experience an exciting new chapter in the Tales video game series with the latest iteration! Bandai Namco proudly presents the long-awaited action role-playing game Tales of Arise, where players are plunged into the medieval world of Dahna, torn-asunder by the magically and technologically superior world of Rena. For over 300 years, Rena has ruled over the less advanced planet, stripping it of valuable resources and crushing the dignity & freedom of its people. Although many have come to believe this is the way things are supposed to be, not everyone is willing to accept this fate and are searching for ways to forge a new future for both worlds. Buy Tales of Arise Steam key and create a future where the people of both planets can coexist!
The Tales series’ veterans, newcomers and several people behind the critically-acclaimed Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Berseria games have come together to craft a new breathtaking experience. Take this chance to journey through the vast world of Tales of Arise, learn about its people and grow together with unique characters as they overcome hardships!
With the Tales of Arise key, players enter a much darker world than in the previous games. Here, Rena, the planet in the sky, is seen as righteous and divine by the people of Dahna, allowing the former to pillage the latter for 300 years and treat its inhabitants as slaves. Stories handed down by entire generations have cemented these beliefs, this abuse as an unshakable truth, and yet, things may finally change for the better. Alphen, of Dahna, and Shionne, of Rena, are seeking ways to take their fates into their own hands, tear down the walls dividing the people of both planets and finally live in harmony as equals. Naturally, their paths merge and now they fight for the same noble cause - to unify the people of Rena and Dahna. Buy Tales of Arise Steam key and finally stop the 300-year reign of terror!