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Currency Arcane Legends Gold Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

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Game Description

Arcane Legends is a hack and slash multiplayer mobile game developed by Spacetime Studios, which had previously also developed several similar games such as Pocket Legends, Dark Legends, and Star legends. Since its launch, the game also appeared in the Chrome Store for users of the computer. The player first chooses a class from three possible selections: Warrior, Rogue, or Mage. The player then chooses from three possible starting pets: Precious (a panther), Timber (a dog), or Guapo (a turtle). The warrior class is strong and its main job is to do the tanking, thus it has the most health and armour. The rogue class's defenses are lower but has a much higher attack, as well as high dexterity/dodge. The sorcerer, otherwise known as mage, has the most mana. It usually is used to support other classes, but can also deal high damage. Many pets can be found in the game. Pets increases the player's stats and unleash arcane abilities. They can be found inside of eggs that are found on mobs, chests, and also purchased through the store with platinum the AL pay-for-play currency. Each class has a unique set of weapons available: Warriors use swords, sword and shields, hammers, and mauls. The Rogue Class uses bows and dual-wielded daggers, blades The Sorcerer Class uses staffs and guns. Weapons can be purchased with Gold in the Auction, with platinum in Store or in cities from merchants. They can also be found in chests dropped by Bosses and enemies. Each class has a unique Armor, most of the armours can spawn an effect. Armours can be bought in the Auction or the Store.

Whether you’re a rogue, a human, or a sorcerer, playing Arcane Legends can be tough when you’re low on gold. So make sure to fill your virtual coffers with Arcane Legends gold. Get the sweetest deals right here at, your one-stop shop for all the MMO resources you will ever need! Cheap Arcane Legends gold for Sale, as well as Arcane Legends CoinsArcane Legends Platinum get the best deals today!