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Bloomberg L.P. is a privately held financial, software, data, and media company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. It was co-founded by Michael Bloomberg in 1981, with Thomas Secunda, Duncan MacMillan, Charles Zegar, and a 12% ownership investment by Merrill Lynch. Bloomberg L.P. provides financial software tools and enterprise applications such as analytics and equity trading platform, data services, and news to financial companies and organizations through the Bloomberg Terminal (via its Bloomberg Professional Service), its core revenue-generating product. Bloomberg L.P. also includes a wire service (Bloomberg News), a global television network (Bloomberg Television), websites, radio stations (Bloomberg Radio), subscription-only newsletters, and two magazines: Bloomberg Businessweek and Bloomberg Markets.

The Bloomberg Terminal is a computer software system provided by the financial data vendor Bloomberg L.P. that enables professionals in the financial service sector and other industries to access Bloomberg Professional Services through which users can monitor and analyze real-time financial market data and place trades on the electronic trading platform. The Bloomberg Terminal is the most powerful and flexible solution for financial professionals who need real-time data, news and analytics to make smarter, faster, more informed decisions. A Bloomberg All Access Subscription provides unlimited access to Bloomberg News content across any computer or device: Access to Bloomberg.com and the Bloomberg News mobile/tablet apps including Bloomberg content on Apple News and Google Play Newsstand. Bloomberg TV live streaming & Bloomberg videos and podcasts. Z2U.com is the biggest marketplace for trading digital assets online. With over 1 million members, it is very easy to buy and sell Bloomberg Accounts service, including Bloomberg All Access, Bloomberg Unlimited Digital Access, Bloomberg Terminal Accounts. Thanks to our player-to-player marketplace, this also means you can sell your Bloomberg Accounts for the best prices online!