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ERHÖHEN Crowfall ERHÖHEN Bewertungen und Beurteilungen
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Crowfall is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game-massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game (MMORPGRTS) developed by ArtCraft, described as a "Throne War Simulator". The game will play similarly to most MMORPGs, with the camera in a third-person view with the player allowed to go anywhere. Where it differs is in the game's world system. There will be five systems of worlds, also known as campaigns. The systems will be "Eternal Kingdoms", "God's Reach", "The Infected", "The Shadow", and "Dregs", each with a different set of rules dictating them. Each world will also be procedurally generated, and will go through a cycle of life and death, starting with spring to summer, fall, and ending with winter. At the end of winter the campaign ends, and the world is gone forever, though the players will remain, allowed to travel to other worlds. Campaigns can last for 1, 3, or 6 months, to a year. The only worlds that don't die are the Eternal Kingdoms, where player housing is.

Für das Spiel sind eine Reihe verschiedener Charaktere oder Archetypen geplant, die aus einer Mischung aus Menschen, Halbmenschen und Tierhybriden bestehen. Zu den Archetypen gehören Champion (Nahkampf-DPS), Waldläufer (Spezialist), Druide (Unterstützung), Bekenner (Fernkampf-DPS), Ritter (Panzer), Templer (Panzer), Schmiedemeister (Spezialist), Frostweber (Fernkampf-DPS), Assassine (Spezialist) , Myrmidon (Panzer), Legionär (Unterstützung), Duellant (Spezialist) und Stalker (Fernkampf-DPS).

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