HoH:E 1/4, Dreamweaver and other Valkyries. Completed 2 chapters of the old storyline, new one not started. There are some goodies in the form of boxes to choose from stigmata of new Valkyries. Returnee event is valid for 2 more days (as of 09/07/24).
- There were no donations or losses
- Email is linked to the account. Login is not linked
- I am the only owner of the account before the purchase, and after it the account is only yours
- You can write at any time, but keep in mind that I may not answer at night
- Do not confirm the order until it is fully completed, to avoid problems
BE SURE TO WRITE BEFORE PURCHASE TO MAKE SURE THAT I AM IN PLACE (I am almost always online, but this does not mean that I am always at the computer)
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