🛅 After payment, you receive data from your account in the form of login;pass. ☑️ The account has: 🎮 Account level - 1; 🐺 Stormtrooper Wolf (Pennant); 🟡 Coins - 1375 (+225 can be obtained for 3 prologues); 🎫 Loans - 317 123; ⭐ Regular booster - 1 pcs.; 📦 Voentorg container - 1 pc.; 🦅 Premium - 7 days; 📝 It is possible to change the nickname for free. 💬 I strongly recommend writing to the seller before buying to clarify all the data, as well as to check the account. ⭐️ The seller has other accounts for this game. 🚯 The account cannot be restored (by the seller) and returned (after purchase).
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