Discord 14x Server Boost Details:
✅ After purchase, we will apply 14x boosts to the server you provide the invite link for.
✅ Boosts are applied manually, without using bots. Simply send us your server invite link.
✅ Guaranteed for 1 month—Boosts will not drop.
✅ Do not remove boosting accounts from your server (If removed, boosts will drop and cannot be refunded—this is the customer’s responsibility).
✅ After purchasing, send your server link via message.
✅ With 14x boosts, your server will reach Level 3!
✅ Your order will be processed instantly and completed quickly.
✅ Boosts are guaranteed.
Features Unlocked at Server Level 3:
🔹 100 extra emoji slots (Total: 250)
🔹 30 extra sticker slots (Total: 60)
🔹 384 Kbps audio quality
🔹 Custom server URL (e.g., discord.gg/servername)
🔹 100MB upload limit for all members
🔹 1080p 60FPS Go Live streaming
🔹 Custom server banner
Andere Konfessionen
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Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
15 Minute
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