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500x Candy (Candies) And 150+ Shadow Gible / Dratini / Magikarp / Snorlax / Machop / Gastly / Archen ~ Full List in description ~ Bonus 100K Stardust

Buyer Customized Forms
Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
6 Stunden.
Boosting Typ:
Kostenlose Versicherung:
30 Tage
You can choose one of: ▪️ Dratini, Gible, Magikarp, Snorlax, Machop, Gastly, Bidoof, Bunnelby, Stantler, Croagunk, Trubbish, Koffing, Vulpix, Tepig, Darumaka, Hoppip, Snover, Snivy, Mankey, Cacnea, Stunky, Rattata, Duskull, Golett, Pidgey, Taillow, Spheal, Sandshrew, Scyther, Venipede, Wooper, Drilbur, Joltik, Magnemite, Archen, Roggenrola, Tirtouga, Oshawott, Horsea, Barboach, Gothita, Solosis, Diglett, Ferroseed, Snubbull. ▪️ (Please, notify us about your choice). Deals & Discounts: ▪️ Buy 1000 (2 Units), Get 500 Free (Total of 1500 Candies) ▪️ Buy 1500 (3 Units), Get 1000 Free (Total of 2500 Candies) ▪️ Buy 2000 (4 Units), Get 2000 Free (Total of 4000 Candies) Estimated Delivery: ▪️ 3–4 hours per 500 Candies What you get with this service: ▪️ Candies for selected Pokémons ▪️ 150x Shadow Pokémons (same ones as selected for candies) ▪️ Chance of getting Shiny Shadow and Hundo ones Trust & Safety: ▪️ Pokémon GO Booster since 2018 ▪️ 99%+ positive rating ▪️ Your safety first How does it work? ▪️ I’ll complete Team Rocket Battles and catch Shadow Pokémon on your account. Disclaimers: ▪️ Grunt spawns are random, so might be faster or slower then expected. ▪️ I can farm at least 500 candies for 1 Pokémon. If you need candies for multiple Pokémon, you’ll need to purchase a separate unit for each. Are various services available for purchase in one go? ▪️ Absolutely! Most services can be done at the same time without affecting the total delivery schedule. However, if you have special requests, please contact me first Login options: ▪️ Any login method is supported, except Apple ID. ▪️ If you currently use Apple ID, go to Settings → Account → Link Google / Facebook / PTC to enable alternative logins. Questions❓Special Wishes❓Bundle offer❓ I always ready to help you, feel free to contact me any time.
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Vorräte:Ausreichender Vorrat
1 = USD $14.99 
$ 14.99
Buyer Customized Forms
Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
6 Stunden.
Boosting Typ:
Kostenlose Versicherung:
30 Tage
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United States