God of War+Elden Ring DELUXE ✔️Offline Account ✔️ (Global) Steam ⚡Instant Delivery
Order Delivery
Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
30 Minute
What is the big advantage of buying this product? 🤔
The big advantage is the combination of several features:
1️⃣ The game is downloaded via a STEAM account, so the game is downloaded through quality STEAM servers, regardless of the number of peers/seeds as in torrent files, so you can always download the game and updates!
2️⃣ You will always get the latest patches for the game, so you always play with the latest version of the game!
3️⃣This is a STEAM account, so if the games are added to the library in the account, you can play them too!
4️⃣The price! . You save here over 80% of the real amount of the game and if you are interested in the SINGLE-PLAYER mode in the game, it is a great solution and significant savings!
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Order Delivery
Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
30 Minute
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