2X [France Blizzard/Battle.net Accounts] ✅ New Account + Full Access + Original Email ⚡️ (FAST delivery ⚡️)No phone Verified
Order Delivery
Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
48 Stunden.
Kostenlose Versicherung:
7 Tage
Blizzard/Battle.net Fresh New Accounts
Purchase a Steam Blizzard/Battle.net
You will receive content
Battle.net account
Battle.net password
Initial email account
Initial email password
Initial email login address
Account Features
Never used and non-shared account, the account is always yours, which is safe and cheap.
All account data can be changed to your own
After receiving the account data, you should quickly modify the account data, bind the mobile phone number, and take full responsibility for the security of the account. If it is stolen or violates the Battle.net agreement, we can't get it back for you.
The initial email address of the account is temporary and not for permanent use. You do so at your own risk. Therefore, we recommend that you only use this account as a secondary/alternate account.
Andere Konfessionen
Order Delivery
Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
48 Stunden.
Kostenlose Versicherung:
7 Tage
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