🛒 List of items to receive:
1. x1 Forma
2. x1 Forma: Umbra
3. x1 Archon Shard
4. x75 Creds: Nora's Mix 3 (can be sold for 375.000 credits)
5. {Resources} Drop randomly 11 items from the list: Magnificent Eidolon Shard, x5 Universal Medallion, Ultimate Requiem, Veiled Riven Cipher, x6 Relics, Warframe Slot, Weapon Slot, Toroid: Crisma, Lazulite; x3 Pure Sentient Core, x5-x10 Debt Bond: Ancestral, Medical, Advance, Protective, Training; Orokin Matrix: Ballistics; 3x Glyph: Grandmother, x20 Namalon, x5 Embolos, x5 Xenorhast, x20 Thaumica, Gravimag
6. {Mounts} Drop randomly 2 items from the list: Larva, Cleaner Drone: Normal, Chapp, Zouni, Badboy, Mood, Snobb
7. {Decoration} Figurine: Ivara, Grendel, Bombastine, Nova, Model Warframe, Unity, Flower Vase, Beacon With Text, Bust: Steadfast Dinar, Shazin: Narmer, Dawn, Kira; Unity, Palm Tree: Zariman, Chlorophytum, Broadleaf Plant: Zariman, Mural: Leverian Licata, x3 Teshin Statue, Shazin: Imitation, Raptor Rx, x3 Zariman, Duviri, Community Glyph: Bombastine, Community Kite Display, Fluffy
8. {Riven Mod} Drop randomly 1pcs or Veiled Riven Cipher
9. {Arcane} Drop randomly 6pcs
10. {Gold mods} Drop randomly 2pcs
11. {Scene - Captura} Drop randomly 3pcs