⏰ 24/7 Automatic Delivery is available. You can make a purchase even if our store is offline.
🔑 The product is delivered as a Microsoft account.
🚪 Access is provided through the Microsoft account via the original launcher.
🖥️ Java & Bedrock editions are included.
📅 A 1-month warranty is provided, and the password will not change during this period.
🌐 You can join servers that require Online Premium.
💎 Benefits
🎮 In addition to Minecraft, you can access over 400 Gamepass games.
⚠️ Attention!
🔒 It is a shared account, and information cannot be changed.
📅 A 1-month warranty is provided.
💻 Valid for a single device only.
🖥️ Only available for PC.
🚀 Instant Delivery
Andere Konfessionen
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Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
15 Minute
Kostenlose Versicherung:
15 Tage
Diese Version des Produkts kann unter China nicht aktiviert werden
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