🥇 Important:
- All drops mentioned below are guaranteed to be dropped!
- After receiving everything make sure to unlink the Twitch account from your game account.
🛒 Items to recieve:
1 - Alpha Bolt Action
2 - TeaGuyTom Garage Door
3 - Etone Facemask
4 - Aloneintokyo Garage Door
5 - Falcon AR
6 - TORE1005 AR
7 - Throat Rock
And 7 others in Round 32.
❓ If you have any further questions, please contact me.
☝ Please receive skins on your Rust account immediately after purchase. Pick up times may be limited.
Andere Konfessionen
Face to Face Trade
Geschwindigkeit der Lieferung:
12 Stunden.
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