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Spielgegenstände Triad Wars Spielgegenstände Bewertungen und Beurteilungen
0.0 out of 5

Triad Wars ist ein abgebrochenes Open-World-Online-Multiplayer-Videospiel, das von United Front Games in Zusammenarbeit mit Square Enix London Studios entwickelt und von Square Enix veröffentlicht wurde. Es ist ein Spin-off des Videospiels Sleeping Dogs aus dem Jahr 2012 und der zweite Teil der Sleeping Dogs-Reihe. Das Spiel hatte traditionellere Multiplayer-Online-Spielelemente als Sleeping Dogs, mit dem zentralen Ziel, „als krimineller Kingpin der Triaden-Unterwelt an die Macht zu kommen“. Es enthielt die gleiche Karte wie das ursprüngliche Sleeping Dogs.

In October 2013, United Front Games confirmed that a game, titled Triad Wars,set within Sleeping Dogs' universe was in production. The developer confirmed that it would be published by Square Enix, and would be shown to the public in 2014. Triad Wars was described by the developers as "something we've wanted to do for ages but just never had the chance. But now we do." United Front Games teased that Triad Wars would be a PC online game on 19 September 2014. A reveal took place on 22 September 2014, which included an announcement trailer. In early 2015, the game entered its beta-testing stage. It was announced in December 2015 that the game would be shutting down. Developer United Front Games announced the closure on Twitter and the official Triad Wars forums. The developers published a statement saying "We've loved seeing how you've played Triad Wars but we know it wasn't right for many of you."

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