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24 Product Contain 24 Offers
[Steam/Offline/Global] Dead Island 2 [Warranty]
from 1 USD
Accounts Dead Island 2 Accounts Ratings and Reviews
4.9 out of 5

Dead Island 2 Account for Sale

Dead Island 2 is a first-person action role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic California. The game takes place several months after the events of the original Dead Island, where a zombie outbreak has ravaged the state and turned most of its population into undead creatures. Players take on the role of a survivor, who must scavenge for resources, craft weapons, and fight off hordes of zombies in order to stay alive.

The game features several types of currency, including cash and scrap. Cash can be used to purchase items from merchants, while scrap is used to upgrade weapons and equipment. In addition to currency, players will also come across several important items during their journey. One of the most important items is weapons, which can range from makeshift melee weapons like pipes and baseball bats, to firearms such as pistols and shotguns. Players can also find and craft various types of ammunition to use with their weapons. Another important item is medical supplies, which can be used to heal injuries and cure infections caused by zombie bites. These supplies include bandages, painkillers, and antibiotics, and can be found in various locations throughout the game world. To play well with the game, you'd better purchase a Dead Island 2 Account at Z2U.com to help you get fully items and currencies!

Best Place to Buy Legit and Cheap Dead Island 2 Account Safely

Z2U's marketplace provides a secure and trustworthy platform for transacting with other players. They have implemented Trading Protections to ensure that all offers for Dead Island 2 Accounts are legitimate and that buyers receive their purchases before payment is released. If you have any inquiries, you can easily reach out to their Customer Support or send an email.

How to Get Your Dead Island 2 Account?

To get started, create an account on Z2U.com or log in if you already have an account.

Browse the Dead Island 2 Account page to find an offer that meets your requirements.

After selecting an offer, the seller will be notified to provide you with the account. Depending on the delivery method chosen by the seller (either automatic or manual), you will either receive the account immediately or need to coordinate with the seller to finalize the transaction.

Once you receive the account, carefully examine it to ensure that it matches the description provided in the offer.

Finally, confirm the delivery with Z2U's system to release payment to the seller.

How to Sell Dead Island 2 Accounts at Z2U.com?

Selling your Dead Island 2 Account on Z2U player to player trading platform is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Create an account on Z2U (if you haven't already) and verify your email address.

Go to the Dead Island 2 page on Z2U and click on the "Sell" button.

Enter the details of your account, such as the level, the amount of currency and items you have, and any other relevant information.

Set a price for your account and choose the payment method you prefer.

Wait for a buyer to make an offer or browse the platform to find potential buyers.

Once you have received an offer from a buyer, confirm the details of the transaction and complete the sale.

Z2U will hold the payment from the buyer in escrow until the transaction is completed successfully. Once the buyer confirms the account has been received, Z2U will release the payment to you.

Dead Island 2 Guide: How to Earn Money Fast in Dead Island 2
2023-05-09 08:40

When players are playing Dead Island 2, their chosen slayer are going to fight against hordes of zombies and run out of the city. While, it is not easy to complete in the beginning.

Dead Island 2 Guide: Necessary Tips for Players to Become Zombie Slayers in Dead Island 2
2023-04-23 08:54

Dead Island 2 is a really exciting game for players, which allow players to kill many zombies around the city and save more lives in the process of completing quests.