League of Legends is really one of the most popular games all over the world. Many players who like playing MOBA game are deeply attracted by this game. While, for some novice players, they need time to familiar with this new game. They also expect to perform well in LoL matches. We are going to list several useful tips for experienced players or novices in this article. Players who want to experience champions with various skins can buy Cheap LOL Accounts at Z2U.com.
Several Useful Tips for Good Performance in LoL Matches
Learn How to Last-Hit For Bonus Money
To really get the most out of minion waves, you should be focused on getting the killing blow on each possible minion because that way you get a gold bonus for the kill. This gold adds up quickly (especially if you’re the ADC) and can translate into your team getting the upper hand both in lane and in team fights.
Keep an eye on enemy minion’s health bars and make sure you’re ready to attack when you see one low enough for you to kill with a single shot. The only position that shouldn’t be as concerned with last-hitting is the support because their job is to help the ADC get the last-hits.
Know the Time to Utilize Lane-Swaps
Lane swaps have two different functions now. The firs one is to escape a horrid match up, while the second one is to lane swap Top and Bot after taking a vital objective like the first turret or dragon.
Since Midlane and Toplane are interchangeable, lane swaps are often used for them. When you get baited and out smarted in champion selection, you need to swap with your Mid/Top. In the case that the Botlane is strong and there without objectives near them, using their power to take down the Toplane turrets or Shelly itself.
Take Care of the Mini-Map Often
This is a common mistake that new players and experienced players are consistently making; not looking at their mini-map. The mini-map is there for a reason and is there to give you information that is free for you.
You will always be able to see your teammates on the mini-map and their position on the map will provide the rest of your team with a small area of vision. Remember – vision is the most important tool in the game, as the majority of the map is covered or dark due to the jungle.
Aside from lanes, you cannot see anything on the map and that is why it is essential to keep a close eye on the mini-map. Whenever you have vision from an ally or from allied warding totems, you will be able to see what is going on around you and this means that you can react quickly and accordingly to support your team if a skirmish breaks out.
Pay Attention to Early Ganks When You Playing Top
It is very common for junglers to start off on the bottom side of the map where they will clear their camps before moving up to kill the monsters on the top side of the map. After that, it is very easy for them to gank top.
To avoid being surprised and dying, top laners should bear in mind that from about 2:40 into the game, they could be vulnerable. Armed with this foresight, they can ward, avoid pushing up too far in the long lane, and play safe for the time being. On the other hand, their own jungler might want to gank top, so players can look to set up an opportunity especially if they have CC (Crowd Control).
When you play LoL matches, you can experiment these tips in the process of matches. If you want to play well in LoL matches, you need spend more time on playing and mastering more champions in order to reach high ranks in the game. If you want to experience this game as a new player, you can Buy LOL Accounts to play with your friends in the competitive matches.