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Direct Contact Accounts for Sale

Direct Contract is about Authentic Warfare, First-person Tactical realism experiences. Most weapons are in the same specs for each classification in today's world, making most modern combat asymmetrical.

Direct Contact embodies the essence of authentic warfare, delivering a first-person tactical realism experience that immerses players in the heart of modern combat. Here, most weapons adhere to real-world specifications within their respective classifications, creating a dynamic and asymmetrical battlefield.

In this team-based game, players engage as part of Special Forces units from across the globe. The enemy forces are cunning and coordinated, actively communicating and executing flanking maneuvers to eliminate their targets. The game's focus spans a wide spectrum of military tactics, encompassing intense close-quarters combat scenarios, meticulous consideration of room geometry and layout, diverse entry methods, and the strategic intricacies of mid to long-range engagements.

Where to buy Direct Contact Accounts?

This product is an account not a digital code and it cannot be activated on an existing account. This is a unique account for one customer only. After completing the purchase you will receive login, password to your account and activation guide what to do to play the game. Buying Cheap Direct Contact Accounts does not come without risk. There are many fraudelent people around the internet. So being cautious buying Direct Contact Accounts is a thing you should always be. The best way to make sure you buy with confident is by checking up on highly trusted marketplace like Z2U.com. A marketplace who's sellers' reputation is outstanding and got your back covered in case of fraudelent activities.

Sell Direct Contact Accounts

To sell Direct Contact Accounts on our platform, sellers are required to register and complete a verification process. Verifying your ID is a crucial step in ensuring a secure transaction environment, offering buyers confidence in their purchases. Once your ID is verified, you gain the status of a trusted seller and can freely list your Direct Contact accounts for sale on our website.

As a registered seller, you enjoy the assurance of 100% protection against payment fraud and chargebacks. Our platform takes on the responsibility of overseeing the entire selling process, providing a comprehensive payment protection service at no cost to you. This safeguards your transactions and gives you peace of mind when selling accounts.

Furthermore, our dispute resolution process is in place to assist in resolving any issues that may arise between sellers and buyers. This commitment to a fair and secure marketplace ensures that you can confidently sell your Direct Contact accounts, knowing that our platform actively supports and protects both parties involved in the transaction. Sell with confidence and let us handle the complexities, free of charge.