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Out in Space Bundle: Tin Can & Account - Xbox(Full Access) - Global

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Xbox One/Xbox Series
Account Ownership Transfer
trabaja en:
Xbox One,Xbox Series X/S
Entrega Speed:
1 Horas
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Más de 3 años
Órdenes exitosas
Pedido vendido en 6 meses
Menos de 1K
Existencias:Stock adecuado
1 = USD $3.5423 
Importe total
$ 3.54
trabaja en:
Xbox One,Xbox Series X/S
Entrega Speed:
1 Horas
Esta versión del producto puede activarse en United States
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Su país:
United States
Simulated 4K HD Single Player Game Smart Delivery XSX|S Enhanced

Age Restriction: 15+ Capacity: 0G

Tin CanAs a random member of the colonial space program, you take off from Mars in a large transport ship, but on your way to the new horizon, the transport ship's reactor fails. All the time you've spent in the simulator didn't prepare you for such a dire situation! Now, you're drifting in an escape pod, with no FTL capabilities, and you realize this doesn't include an easy way out. Use your own ingenuity to fix the systems, just like you fix and build your own personal computer, by swapping and repairing the different components. With luck, you might eventually find a safe haven.Tin Can comes with a supporter pack that includes the game's original soundtrack!Orbital IndustriesBuild and manage your own orbital station! Monitor and set production cycles, resources and their allocation. Focus on efficiency or yield, treat everything like a diligent spreadsheet master - but with a circuit board-like abstract layout system to help you design the optimal connections, corners and crevices, for your space station to be a huge success in engineering design!