"Iron Meat" is a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter that immerses players in a world controlled by a cross-dimensional biomass known as "Cursed Meat." This game combines classic arcade and home console mechanics, allowing players to battle mutated victims and machines, dodge a hail of bullets, and defeat bosses across nine levels filled with brutal violence. Players will assume the role of Vadim, fighting against "Cursed Meat" to thwart the horror unleashed by scientist Yuri Markov's experiments on the moon.
Multi-Stage Boss Fights
"Iron Meat" pays homage to classic side-scrolling shooters of the past, offering intense multi-stage boss fights. Players can choose from three difficulty settings to test their skills, with higher difficulties presenting more challenging bosses.
Co-op Multiplayer Mode
Who says you have to face the invasion of "Cursed Meat" alone? With the two-player couch co-op mode, you can team up with a friend to leave a trail of blood-soaked bodies infected by "Cursed Meat"! Double the firepower, double the slaughter, double the "Cursed Meat"!
Over 30 Unlockable Skins
To combat "Cursed Meat," you don't have to be a soldier, or even human! With over 30 unlockable skins for players to choose from, you can customize your character your way. Each skin comes with interchangeable parts, allowing for more freedom in customization through mixing and matching. Want a robot body with a shark head and dinosaur legs? No problem. How about half-human, half-dog? Of course! Or a cowboy with a tail and demon wings? Well... that's fine too!