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Escape from Tarkov PC - PVP Money

Novice Seller Verified

Delivery method
:Auction House
Seller Reminder
A must-read! Make sure you have items for the flea market for the amount you want! The transfer takes place through a flea market, this will require: 1) 15+ character level 2) Items that can be placed (marked as found in the raid) 3)Provide us with the item and/or screenshot of the listings via PM Example for 10 millions: 2 grenade cases for 5 million each Ledx 5-10mil Lexos key 10mil Gpu,Keytool,Injector cases 5-10 mil
Unit Price 0.288 USD / M
Delivery Speed 15 minute
Stock 1000 M
Free Insurance

- +

Volume Discounts Calculator

Number Discount Price
10 M 3.47%($0.1) $2.78
20 M 6.25%($0.36) $5.4
30 M 13.19%($1.14) $7.5
50 M 14.93%($2.15) $12.25
100 M 20.13%($5.80) $23
1 M = USD $0.288 
Price $1.44
Z2U Score 29