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Escape from Tarkov Account
from 27 USD
4.8 out of 5

Escape From Tarkov is an FPS where player complete story-driven missions in a war-ravaged city, while carefully negotiating encounters with other players. The game has persistent elements and a player driven economy. Escape From Tarkov is a hardcore open world FPS featuring RPG elements in the fictional war-torn region of Tarkov. Join one of two ideologically opposed Private Military Corporations: corporate backed USEC or Russian-created BEAR. Complete story-driven quests either alone or with comrades, raiding huge locations to unravel the mysteries driving the war. Monitor your status by ensuring your blood pressure, toxication, stamina, tremors, and more are stable. Level up and train nearly 100 skills in RPG fashion to enhance your character's prowess and survive the harsh reality. Form a clan with other players and hunt down vagabonds or create a trade network to reap enormous profit. Escape From Tarkov Key Features: Factional Warfare - choose to join either the USEC or BEAR in a conflict for control of Tarkov. Story-driven Gameplay - complete narrative raids on facilities alone or with friends, unraveling the story driving the conflict in Tarkov. Lose Everything On Death - death to another player not only leaves your corpse behind but every item in your backpack. RPG Elements - earn experience, level up, and train nearly 100 skills to aid your survival by repeating actions. Clans - form a group with comrades to build a trade empire or become a band of bounty hunters and hunt down players.

You guys and gals made it to a safe place forEscape from Tarkov accounts that contain goodies so that you can hit the ground running. The 3 epic editions (Left Behind, Prepare for Escape, and Edge of Darkens Limited) are too cool. Sit back, relax and explore some EFT EOD accounts listed by our trusted sellers. Buy Cheap EFT Accounts at the best place Z2U.com for all editions (Left Behind, Prepare for Escape, and Edge of Darkens Limited), discount price ever!

How to Save and Use Gear Presets in Escape from Tarkov
2024-11-12 08:37

Patch 13.5 for Escape from Tarkov introduced gear presets a game-changing quality-of-life update that allows players to save and equip custom loadouts with just one click.

Escape from Tarkov: The Walls Have Eyes Quest Comprehensive Guide
2024-10-30 08:37

The introduction of Patch 0.15.0 to Escape from Tarkov brought a host of new missions, including the engaging quest titled "The Walls Have Eyes." In this mission, players are tasked with planting Wi-Fi Cameras at specific locations on the Factory map.

Escape From Tarkov Patch 12.11 Notes: EFT weapon malfunctions, a new boss in Factory and more
2021-07-03 08:43

Battlestate Games released The full Escape from Tarkov 12.11 patch notes on June 30, which brings “Factory” expansion, New scav boss Tagilla, Fence reputation and more.

Tarkov Gun Tier List 2021: What are the Escape From Tarkov Best Weapons 2021
2021-06-11 08:38

Escape From Tarkov features a wide array of weapons. Using the best weapon is vital to staying alive, here's our weapon tier list and the best weapons.