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Items Guild Wars 2 Items Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5
Based on the total ratings of 2 orders in the past

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    Great service! Seller's reply: Thank you very much for your purchase!! :) Guild Wars 2 Items
    seller: DiosAshura
  • Positive
    very nice seller so fast Guild Wars 2 Items
    seller: JorgSegSi

Guild Wars 2 Items for Sale

Each item has a rarity, Guild Wars 2 has 8 different rarity items, including junk, basic, fine, masterwork, rare, exotic, ascended & legendary. There are several broad types of GW2 equipment: weapon, armor, trinkets, outfit, bags, upgrade component, sigil, rune, gemstone, jewel, doubloon, alcohol, blueprints, dye, skin, ingredients, token and more! Crafting Materials are items that are needed to craft other items. They can be ingredients for cooking, ores, or components. 

In Guild Wars 2, Weapons and armor are the most basic requirements for surviving the journey across Tyria. Whether players enjoy the intricate and detailed PvE aspect of the game or the heart-pounding PvP system, everybody needs the best Guild Wars 2 items. But Guild Wars 2 Legendary Weapons such as the Incinerator, Kraitkin, and Sharur can be very time-consuming to craft. So, to enhance your adventure, Z2U.com offers cheap GW2 Legendary Weapons for Sale, which aims at saving your time and money.

Buy GW2 Items, Weapons, Armor & Skins

You can buy GW2 Items EU & GW2 Items US at the secure trading marketplace Z2U.com, or buying GW2 Legendary with real money here. The variety of items that can be bought is endless! You can find anything here that meets your needs, ranging from GW2 legendary weapons, legendary shield, legendary armor to snow diamond infusion, peerless infusion and many more types of infusion and legendary inventory. And you can purchase GW2 Skins, Gears, Pets, Mounts, Back Items, backpack, axe, soulbound items, heroic edition items, trophies and more! With Z2U.com you can buy GW2 items for a relatively cheap price from our trusted sellers that have wide range of trading and selling experience. Ever since the start of Z2U in 2011, it has been the leading gaming marketplace with over a million members, and millions of trades between sellers and buyers. With a complete roster of legitimate sellers worldwide, there is no doubt that you will find the best deals here! Z2U.com is definitely the best place to buy Guild Wars 2 Items!

Sell Guild Wars 2 Items

Selling GW2 Items in our marketplace is easy, fast and safe. Click the 'Sell' button at the top of the page. It leads to a registration page which requires some personal information to be filled. Rest assured, we have a very strict privacy policy and will never, in any case, disclose your data to any third party - they are only asked for security reason. The whole registration and listing process is completely free. You wouldn't need to pay a penny for that. After you have completed the registration successfully, you can begin to list your products on our website and waiting for the buyers!

Guild Wars 2 How to get a mount for free: Ways to Unlock GW2 Raptor, Springer, Skimmer & Jackal
2021-06-08 08:45

How to get your first mount in GW2: Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal? Mounts are creatures used to enhance travel through the Crystal Desert and the open world of Tyria. So, are there any useful ways to unlock them?

Guild Wars 2 Gold Farming 2020: Best and Fastest Way to earn GW2 Gold
2020-08-03 08:51

How do you farm gold in Guild Wars 2?