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Honkai Impact 3 (SEA) is a mobile (ios & android) action game where players can collect different heroine and use them to defeat monsters. Version features: [Herrscher of the Void] - The Herrscher's powers have been unleashed, transforming a Valkyrie into a powerful new form. Manifest the might of Honkai into impaling spears and brush all opposition aside. Herrscher of the Void - Kiana's S-rank awakened battlesuit has been deployed! The night is the perfect companion for her inauguration. Let her wings of war set the battlefield alight! "We hereby declare Judgment Day!" [Arctic Kriegsmesser] - The fiery temptress had her innocent moments. The frost and cold have whittled away her years, but her indomitable will stood firm. Arctic Kriegsmesser - Himeko's A-rank awakened battlesuit deployed! Relive her past warrior days and Imbue her memories and iron will into her mighty zweihänder! [Dimension Treasures] - A vast virtual world exists beyond reality. The dimensional portals are open, revealing lost treasures to be found. People think they have unlimited imagination. The Virtual World will put this imagination to the test. Although history cannot be observed directly, their effects still persist. Like the future itself, the corridors of memories within these spatial rifts are waiting to be explored. [Equipment Updates] - Keys of the Void - penultimate dual pistols that fire "absolute commandments" designed to rip apart the space-time fabric itself. The mesmerizing singing voice of the divas is heard all over the Honkai world through Starry Woofers and Galactic Nova. Hrungnir - the fearsome frost giant of the Nordic myths. This greatsword smites evil where it exists. Celine: Ascendant - the mighty stigmata have resurfaced with the powers of fires and storms. All these will help us in the Honkai War, Captain! 

In order to evolve a Valkyrie's Battlesuit from B -> A -> S -> SS -> SSS rank, you need to use Fragments (occasionally called Souls) gained though various methods. Or, you can buy Honkai Impact 3 (SEA) Accounts that full of HI3 S Rank Characters (Dimension Breaker, Black Nucleus, Herrscher of Reason, Knight Moonbeam, Herrscher of the Void, Goushinnso Memento, Blood Rose, Vermilion Knight: Eclipse, Herrscher of Thunder, Violet Executer, Phoenix, Shadow Knight, Azure Empyrea, Sixth Serenade, Argent Knight: Artemis, Fallen Rosemary, Molotov Cherry, Stygian Nymph), our traders are real gamers, and we do not support the use of scamming bots, 100% safe. Honkai Impact 3 Supply Cards, Honkai Impact 3 Self-drawing Account, Honkai Impact 3 Initial Account, Honkai Impact 3 Combination Account, Honkai Impact 3 Opening Account for Sale now, do not miss our special offers!