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Game Description

Hunt: Showdown is a first-person shooter survival horror video game published by Crytek. Hunt: Showdown was launched on Steam in early access on February 22, 2018, and for Xbox Game Preview on May 29, 2019. The full release of the game launched on August 27, 2019 for Microsoft Windows and was released on Xbox One on September 19, 2019 with a PlayStation 4 release planned at a later date.

Players can take on the role of a bounty hunter, hunting down monsters in the darkness of the Louisiana swamps. Survival horror meets match-based shooter and the stakes have seldom been higher. There are nightmarish monsters roaming the bayous of Louisiana, and you are paid handsomely for destroying them. With the rewards from your grim work, you can purchase new and better weapons and gear, and take on ever more dangerous – and higher paying – bounties. However, death is a very real risk, and you risk everything every time you stalk a target. 

Buy and sell Hunt: Showdown Single-Player at guaranteed trading platform, the principle of single-player games, most games support offline or single-player non-networking, the seller will give you his account, and then you Sign in on your device, and then set it offline. As long as you don’t go online, you can keep playing, which is theoretically permanent. After downloading the games on some platforms, you can switch to your own account to play online! Cheap Hunt: Showdown Single Player & Offline for Sale, hundreds of certified sellers, real stocks, discount price ever! Do not miss the chance!