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As you awake in the corridors of an inexplicable building, you find the environment takes on a life of its own and leads you to discover a series of victims, all exposed to the same experimental chemical. In your search for answers, bizarre visions emerge and introduce a host of imposing horrors…and a cat named Tonia. From the creators of the cult classic Nightmare House 2 comes In Sound Mind, a witty first-person psychological horror with frenetic puzzles and unique boss fights. Traverse a series of unsettling memories as you journey within the inner workings of the one place you can’t seem to escape—your own mind.

A new survival horror experience from the creators of the legendary Nightmare House 2. We Create Stuff, the team behind one of highest-rated mods of all time returns with an unexpected spin on the horror genre. Experience a series of haunting memories. Journey through a progression of unsettling stories, each with unique puzzles, mechanics, weapons, and boss fights. Overcome a cast of terrors. Confront those who stalk you in a series of daunting boss fights and learn how to defeat them by solving mind-bending puzzles. An eerie soundtrack by The Living Tombstone. The internet icon lends his distinct sound to this next generation psychological thriller, with a distinctive song for each story. Unexpect the expected. Explore an imaginative and disorienting narrative, featuring sentient mannequins, a feline companion, and much more. And yes, you can pet the cat.

Do you want to find the best place to buy cheap In Sound Mind CD Key service? We Z2U.com have been in the industry of in-game asset exchange for over 10 years so we know how to attract the right sellers and drive a bargain. Here, you will find our sellers setting prices that allow you to pick out the best offer and review the sellers trust score, so you know you are dealing with someone worthwhile. All the products are provided by real players of In Sound Mind, 100% safe, no hack, no cheats! In Sound Mind Deluxe Edition CD Key for Sale, feel free to contact our 24/7 live support if you have any issues!