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Delivery Method:
Face to Face Trade / Auction House / Mail in Game
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
Free Insurance:
7 Days
Seller Reminder
⭐34+35+36+37+38 ROUNDS ⭐61/61 UNIQUE SKINS⭐ ✅After purchase you will receive a Twitch Account to get 61 Skins for your Steam 🛒 List of skins to receive: ☑️ 34 ROUND ☑️ 1. Charitablerust Doubledoor, 2. Charitablerust Garagedoor, 3. Charitablerust Hideponcho, 4. Charitablerust Jackhammer, 5. Charitablerust Leathergloves, 6. Charitablerust Pants, 7. Charitablerust Rug, 8. Charitablerust Sleepingbag ⬇️35 ROUND ☑️ 1★ Stone Hatchet 2★ Stone Pickaxe 3★ Hammer 4★ Sword 5★ Rug 6★ Garage Door 7★ Locker 8★ Metal Facemask 9★ Assault Rifle 10★ Jacket 11★ Sheet Metal Double Door 12★ Assault Rifle 13★ Semi-automatic Rifle 14★ Hoodie 15★ Fridge 16★ Large Wood Box 17★ Large Backpack 18. Box Rock 19★ Kingdoms II Sword 20★ Kingdoms II Hammer ☑️ 36 ROUND ☑️ 1. Nikof AR, 2. Oilrats MP5, 3. Dilanzito Thompson, 4. Dhalucard P2, 5. Mendo Rocket Launcher, 6. Twitch Rivals Facemask, 7. Twitch Rivals Jacket, 8. Twitch Rivals Chestplate, 9. NoraExplorer Garage Door, 10. Krolay Door, 11. xxxTheFocuSxxx Door, 12. Willjum Jacket, 13. Blooprint Vending Machine, 14. Rustoria Vending Machine, 15. Rustoria Backpack, 16. Twitch Rivals Backpack ☑️37 ROUND➡️: 1. Rustmas Hide Pants 2. Rustmas Hide Vest 3. Rustmas Sleeping Bag 4. Rustmas Small Box 5. Rustmas Wood Door ☑️38 ROUND➡️: 1. Rock 2. Reactive Target 3. Rug 4. Assault Rifle 5. Grenade 6. Assualt Rifle 7. Large Backpack 8. Semi-Automatic Rifle 9. Locker 10. Thompson 11. Assault Rifle 12. Assault Rifle
Seller Level
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More than 2 years
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Less than 1K
Stock:Adequate stock
1 = USD $1 
Total Amount
$ 1.00
Delivery Method:
Face to Face Trade / Auction House / Mail in Game
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
Free Insurance:
7 Days
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