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【Twitch Drops】⭐️67 SKINS ◆ 32-33-34-35-36-37 ROUND ⭐️

Delivery Method:
Mail in Game
Delivery Speed:
24 Hours
Seller Reminder
- When you buy this product, you will get the skins of 32-33-33-34-35-36-37 rounds. - 1 After logging in with steam once, do not forget to ‘unlink account’ if you have a previous account connected, you need to unlink account. - If you have a previously linked account, drop rewards skins come again, it does not cause a problem. You can place an order. - After purchase, twitch account username and password will be given. - If the Twitch account asks for a code, you can close the screen by saying cross or remind later. ❌ This offer does not include the game ❌ ✅After purchase you will receive a Twitch Account NOT a Steam Account. ✅To get skins follow the instructions below: ✅Your Steam account should not be linked to another twitch account. ✅If linked twitch to steam, unlink before linking a new twitch account. ✅Next the instructions here twitch.facepunch.com ★ Round 32: 1. Aloneintokyo Garage Door 2. BASETRADETV Large Wood Box 3. valair_ Furnace 4. TORE1005 AR 5. ZChum Hoodie 6. TeaGuyTom Garage Door 7. Falcon_Rust AR 8. qaixx Eoka 9. Alpha Bolt 10. Etone Metal Facemask 11.YAKOV Jackhammer 12. throattwitch Rock 13. Oilrats Waterpipe Shotgun 14. SnuffyFluffy Thompson ★ Round 33: 1. HOODIE 2. PANTS 3. WOOD STORAGE BOX 4. FURNACE 5. SHEET METAL DOUBLE DOOR 6. SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLE ★ Round 34: 1. Gloves 2. Sleeping Bag 3. Hide Poncho 4. Sheet Metal Double Door 5. Pants 6. Rug 7. Garage Door 8. Jackhammer ★ Round 35: 1. Stone Hatchet 2. Stone Pickaxe 3. Hammer 4. Sword 5. Rug 6. Garage Door 7. Locker 8. Metal Facemask 9. Assault Rifle 10. Jacket 11. Sheet Metal Double Door 12. Assault Rifle 13. Semi-automatic Rifle 14. Hoodie 15. Fridge 16. Large Wood Box 17. Large Backpack 18. Box Rock 19. Kingdoms II Sword 20. Kingdoms II Hammer ★ Round 36: 1. Vending Machine 2. Backpack 3. Metal Facemask 4. Metal Chest Plate 5. Backpack 6. Jacket 7. Sheet Metal Double Door 8. Jacket 9. MP5A4 10. Garage Door 11. Assault Rifle 12. Rocket Launcher 13. Sheet Metal Door 14. Thompson 15. Semi-Automatic Pistol 16. Vending Machine ★ Round 37: 1. SMALL BOX 2. SLEEPİNG BAG 3. WOODEN DOOR 4. HIDE VEST 5. HIDE PANTS
Seller Level
Selling for
More than 4 years
Successful orders
Sold Orders in 6 months
More than 1K+
Stock:In stock
1 = USD $2.5 
Total Amount
$ 2.50
Delivery Method:
Mail in Game
Delivery Speed:
24 Hours
This version of the product cannot be activated at United States
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United States