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Ori and the Blind Forest+Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Delivery Method:
Order Delivery
Delivery Speed:
15 minute
Seller Reminder
⭐️ The product is issued automatically INSTANT (24/7) GLOBAL-you can activate in any region!⭐️ ❗ Attention You are buying a shared STEAM account to play offline------- WE ALWAYS HAVE ACTIVATIONS (WITHOUT QUEUE) THE GAME WILL BE INSTALLED WITHOUT OTHER PROGRAMS: YOU WILL RECEIVE A LOGIN AND PASSWORD The collection includes 1 Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition 2 Ori and the Will of the Wisps ⭐What does the purchase give you ✅1 Access to the official Steam account ✅2 Access to all game updates ✅3 Technical support and assistance in starting the game if required for free ⚠️Important to know ❗ One activation one PC ❗ You buy a general STEAM account, which means that not only you play on it ❗ After the purchase, you will be given a login and password from the steam account, after installation it is possible to play only in offline mode. ❗ The is impossible to change the mail and password. (You will have access to your account ) Additional Information INSTALLATION: 1. Download the Steam client from the official site and install. 2 Log in to your account using the given username and password 3 Write to the seller to issue the Steam Guard code response time from 6.00 to 21.00 Morocco time if I do not sleep, I will answer even at night ❤️ Please leave your positive feedback after the successful purchase of your account! I would be grateful ❤️
Seller Level
Selling for
Less than 1 years
Successful orders
Sold Orders in 6 months
Less than 1K
Stock:Tight stock
1 = USD $2.99 
Total Amount
$ 2.99
Delivery Method:
Order Delivery
Delivery Speed:
15 minute
This version of the product cannot be activated at United States
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United States