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Buy dlc THE SIMS 4 Blooming Rooms Kit DLC / GLOBAL MULTILANG

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DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONFIRMATION OF YOUR PAYMENT! Guarantee for activation time After payment of the order, the system automatically (without our participation) will instantly send you a link to download the license activation key for the game: THE SIMS 4: Blooming Rooms Kit ATTENTION! THIS ADDITION, TO ACTIVATE A KEY, IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE AN ACTIVATED BASIC VERSION OF THE SIMS 4 Region: All Countries Language: Čeština, Dansk, Deutsch, US English, Español Espa, Suomi, Français, Italiano,,, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português Brasil, Russian, Svenska, 繁 中文 Activation: Origin Enjoy the outdoors in the comfort of your home with content from The Sims 4 Houseplants Bundle. Experience total peace by surrounding your Sims with a variety of houseplants, from climbing vines to decorative mini greenhouses. KEY FEATURES Living decor. Thanks to plants, shelves, tables and even lighting fixtures will take on a completely new, “live” look. Create a relaxing atmosphere by adding live plants and unusual decor with elements of the plant world. kingdom of flora. Create your own mini oasis by filling your home with flowers in pots and planters. A variety of plants have even replaced curtains and paintings, and now your home will look like a colorful and very cozy greenhouse! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Activation: 1. Download and install the Origin program. (http://www.origin.com/download) 2. Start Origin. 3. Select the interface language and the location where the game will be installed. 4. Go to the "Origin-Activate Product Code" section. 5. Enter the key received after payment. 6. After activating the game, a tab with your profile and a list of activated games will appear. 7. Select the game and click "Start". 8. Download and install the game.
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Stock:Adequate stock
1 = USD $26 
Total Amount
$ 26.00
Delivery Method:
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Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
This version of the product cannot be activated at United States
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United States