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6 in 1 ✅🔥GREAT PACK🔥✅ 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 + 37 + 38 ROUNDs✅67/67 UNIQUE SKINS✅

Delivery Method:
Mail in Game
Delivery Speed:
15 minute
Seller Reminder
📷Screenshots of each ROUND: ➡️✔️ ROUND 33: Screenshot of items: https://ibb.co/84FxMyJ ➡️✔️ ROUND 34: Screenshot of items: https://ibb.co/Ks1C7m1 ➡️✔️ ROUND 35: https://imgur.com/a/qB1oWaw ➡️✔️ ROUND 36: https://imgur.com/a/BLNNYBl ➡️✔️ ROUND 37: https://imgur.com/a/PQYS4Vz ➡️✔️ ROUND 38: https://imgur.com/a/D64Nn4X 🛒List of items to get: ☑️✔️33 ROUND - 6 SKINS➡️: 1. HOODIE 2. PANTS 3. WOOD STORAGE BOX 4. FURNACE 5. SHEET METAL DOUBLE DOOR 6. SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLE✔️☑️ ☑️✔️34 ROUND - 8 SKINS➡️: 1. Gloves 2. Sleeping Bag 3. Hide Poncho 4. Sheet Metal Double Door 5. PantS 6. Rug 7. Garage Door 8. Jackhammer✔️☑️ ☑️✔️35 ROUND - 20 SKINS➡️: 1★ Stone Hatchet 2★ Stone Pickaxe 3★ Hammer 4★ Sword 5★ Rug 6★ Garage Door 7★ Locker 8★ Metal Facemask 9★ Assault Rifle 10★ Jacket 11★ Sheet Metal Double Door 12★ Assault Rifle 13★ Semi-automatic Rifle 14★ Hoodie 15★ Fridge 16★ Large Wood Box 17★ Large Backpack 18. Box Rock 19★ Kingdoms II Sword 20★ Kingdoms II Hammer✔️☑️ ☑️✔️36 ROUND - 16 SKINS➡️: 1. Vending Machine 2. Backpack 3. Metal Facemask 4. Metal Chest Plate 5. Backpack 6. Jacket 7. Sheet Metal Double Door 8. Jacket 9. MP5A4 10. Garage Door 11. Assault Rifle 12. Rocket Launcher 13. Sheet Metal Door 14. Thompson 15. Semi-Automatic Pistol 16. Vending Machine✔️☑️ ☑️✔️37 ROUND - 5 SKINS➡️: 1. Rustmas Hide Pants 2. Rustmas Hide Vest 3. Rustmas Sleeping Bag 4. Rustmas Small Box 5. Rustmas Wood Door✔️☑️ ☑️✔️38 ROUND➡️: 1. Rock 2. Reactive Target 3. Rug 4. Assault Rifle 5. Grenade 6. Assualt Rifle 7. Large Backpack 8. Semi-Automatic Rifle 9. Locker 10. Thompson 11. Assault Rifle 12. Assault Rifle✔️☑️ ⚠️Please activate Twitch Drops immediately after purchase, as the time for receiving is LIMITED!
Seller Level
Selling for
More than 1 years
Successful orders
Positive Rating
Sold Orders in 6 months
More than 7K+
Stock:Tight stock
1 = USD $1.7 
Total Amount
$ 1.70
Delivery Method:
Mail in Game
Delivery Speed:
15 minute
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