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The iTunes Subscription service refers to the subscription-based content offerings available through the iTunes Store, which is an online media store operated by Apple. It's important to note that Apple has transitioned away from the iTunes brand and replaced it with separate services such as Apple Music, Apple TV+, and Apple Podcasts. However, during the time when iTunes was active, it offered various subscription-based services, including:

Apple Music: A music streaming service that provided access to a vast library of songs, playlists, and personalized recommendations. Apple Music allowed users to stream music on-demand and download songs for offline listening.

Apple TV+: A video streaming service that offered original movies and TV shows produced by Apple. Apple TV+ competed with other popular streaming platforms and provided exclusive content for subscribers.

Apple News+: A subscription-based service that provided access to a wide range of digital magazines and newspapers. Subscribers could access and read the latest issues of their favorite publications through the Apple News app.

Apple Arcade: A gaming subscription service that gave users unlimited access to a curated collection of premium games. Subscribers could download and play games across various Apple devices without any ads or in-app purchases.

Buy Apple Itunes Subscription Membership (Digital Code)

After purchasing Itunes  Subscription, our reputed seller will send you a digital code to redeem the Itunes plan you purchased! All the Itunes keys for Sale here, you can get the Cheap Apple Itunes Subscription Plan Digital Code via email delivery, just like the Gift Card Codes. This service equals to Itunes Subscription Top Up service, but the seller do not need any accounts infos to complete your order! Buy Apple Itunes Subscription now, and enjoy the biggest deals here at Z2U.com!