판매자 알림
Deals & Discounts:
▪️ Buy 120 Raids (2 Units), Get 60 Free (Total of 180 raids & 16500 Regular Catches + 2400 Shadow Catches )
▪️ Buy 180 (3 Units), Get 120 Free (Total of 300 raids & 26500 Catches + 4000 Shadow Catches)
Estimated Delivery:
▪️ 12-24 hours per 1 package
What you get with this service:
▪️ 5500 Pokémons catches
▪️ 850 Shadow Pokémons Catches
▪️ 60x 5 Tier Raids
▪️ 4-12x Shiny
▪️ 4-12x Hundo Purified (100IV, 4-Star, Perfect)
▪️ 500,000-900,000 Stardust (check disclaimers)
▪️ 5-12 Million Exp (check disclaimers)
▪️ Catching Rate for raids is 90-100%. Normally, I catch 10/10, but sometimes 5-10% might escape
▪️ You need to have a Premium Battle Pass (green ones) for each raid. Your bag can be full otherwise.
▪️ The final Stardust amount depends on how many Star Pieces you have. With 12+ Star Pieces, you can earn up to 1.5 Million Stardust.
▪️ The final EXP amount depends on how many Lucky Eggs you have. With 12+ Lucky Eggs, you can earn up to 12 million EXP.
▪️ Shiny + Hundo will be saved, the rest will be transferred. Also I can save 90+IV if you have 200 empty storage slots (Specify in the “order details” that you want to keep all or 90IV+ Pokémon).
▪️ Keep in mind, Pokémon become Hundos after purification! On average, I get 3–10 Shadow Pokémon with 94+ IV per 8 million dust. You can purify them for Hundo Pokémon! Plus, there’s a 15–20% chance of getting a Shiny.
Login options:
▪️ Any login method is supported, except Apple ID.
▪️ If you currently use Apple ID, go to Settings → Account → Link Google / Facebook / PTC to enable alternative logins.
Questions❓Special Wishes❓Bundle offer❓
I always ready to help you, feel free to contact me any time.