Buy Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition key and jump right into the action, traverse to places you have never seen before. and establish your dominance in the familiar locales. Decimate your enemies, gather up the loot they so-generously give you and create tools of true and unimaginable destruction!
Borderlands 3 - Super Deluxe
Let yourself loose and grab the most prosperous version of the game, which will unlock three cosmetic packs – Retro, Neon and Gearbox – as well as Toy Box weapons and various boosts. But that’s not all! If you want to secure even the future adventures so they won’t slip away, buy Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition key and receive the Season Pass. This wonderful addition contains 4 DLC campaigns, granting you new content and stories! And if you want to be even fancier, Butt Stallion aesthetics will be there to give you extra sparkle to dazzle the enemies with.