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Currency Metin2 Aeldra Yang Ratings and Reviews
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Metin2 Aeldra Yang for Sale

Aeldra is a Metin2 Private server and was published on 08/14/2020. When you start Aeldra, you will receive a starter kit to make leveling easier. To get good in Aeldra you have to farm Yang, you get it by farming and selling items. Aeldra Yang is the imporrtant currency in this private server, used to purchase items from the different NPC's. Players can use this to trade with other players or to their own shop. Players can also make their own guild of fighters and guilds can have wars between each other. Grade Points are used for a special kind of rank, the ranks are Cruel, Mean, Dishonored, Aggressive, Neutral, Friendly, Good, Noble and Chivalrous, each rank gives the player a different rate drops. The Cruel, Mean, Dishonored and Aggressive ranks also have a chance to lose items when killed. Items can influence the Grade Points. Players can also use real life money to buy Dragon Coins, with which players can buy special items and bonuses. However, if you want to have more Yang faster and more, you can buy Aeldra Yang with the cheapest price on the secure marketplace To get strong in Aeldra you have to farm strong texts and bosses, to simplify the whole thing, it is enough to Buy Aeldra Yang from our trusted and verified sellers here at

Sell Aeldra Yang

There is a famous sentence: "If you are good at something - never do it for free." It applies to the Aeldra Yang making. Aeldra Yang farmers are given the opportunity to make gaming their daily job. It is straightforward - the more you can make in the game, the more you will be able to sell for real currency. If you have extra Aeldra Currency and Money, just turn them into riches at the secure marketplace! Selling Metin2 Aeldra Yang in our marketplace is easy, fast and safe. Click the 'Sell' button at the top of the page. It leads to a registration page which requires some personal information to be filled. Rest assured, we have a very strict privacy policy and will never, in any case, disclose your data to any third party - they are only asked for security reason. The whole registration and listing process is completely free. You wouldn't need to pay a penny for that. After you have completed the registration successfully, you can begin to list your products on our website and waiting for the buyers!