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narttt01 Nintendo eShop Gift Cards Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Nintendo eShop Gift Cards for Sale

Nintendo Gift Cards refers to Nintendo eShop Cards, which can be used to buy games and downloadable content (DLC) for the Nintendo Switch. Choose the denomination that's right for you: $10, $20, $35, $50, it is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to play—including you.

Best Place to Buy Nintendo eShop Cards

Where to Buy Nintendo Gift Cards Canada, Australia, UK, Phippines, US and Europe? With a Nintendo eShop Card, you can increase your Nintendo eWallet credit. You can purchase games, add-ons, apps and more in the Nintendo eShop with your account balance. If you want to find the perfet web to purchase discount and cheap Nintendo eShop Cards, then you are already at the correct place! Here are the reasons:

1. Various safe payment for you to choose, you can buy Nintendo Switch Gift Cards with Apple Pay, PayPay, Bitcoin, Google Pay and hundreds of other safe transaction!

2. 100% reliable sellers: all the seller on Z2U are required to verify THEIR ID, verified IDs protect buyers who want to buy Nintendo Switch Game Card safely.

3. Cheapest Price: there is no middleman at Z2U.com, it is a player to player trading platform that allows buyers trade with seller directly! So, you can find products on our web are the cheapest!

4. Fast Delivery: all the gift cards on these page are in stock, delivery usually happens within 5-30 minutes! After purchasing an order, you will receive a digital activation code via email delivery or live chat!

How to redeem a Nintendo Switch gift card?

1. Go to Nintendo's Game Store.

2. Select a game you want to purchase.

3. Select Buy Digital.

4. You'll be asked to log into your account. Enter your User Name and Password for the account you want to add the game to.

5. Now select OK.

5. You'll be brought to the payment screen. Make sure to select Nintendo eShop Card to be able to use the card you received.

6. Click on Please enter your code.

7. Enter the 16-digit gift card code you received from Z2U.com

8. Select Add funds. And then your digital code has been successfully activated.

How to Sell Nintendo eShop Card?

Where can I sell Nintendo eShop Cards for cash? Z2U.com is the simplest way to sell unwanted Nintendo eShop Card for cash. How do you start? Register as a seller on Z2U and then log ont. It’s absolutely free to list your products! We take full responsibility for the entire selling process within our marketplace and offer comprehensive payment protection services, all free of charge. Just Sell Nintendo eShop Card Redeem Codes with confidence at Z2U.com!

Other FAQ of Nintendo eShop Cards

Are Nintendo eShop Cards region-locked?

Nintendo eShop Cards can only be used in countries that use the same currency as the Nintendo eShop Card.

Can Nintendo eShop Cards be used for Fortnite?

Yes, they can. If you top up your Nintendo eWallet with the credit from the gift card, you can buy V-Bucks for Fortnite.

Do Nintendo eShop Cards expire?

No, Card balance does not expire.