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Phantasy Star Online 2 is a video game in the Phantasy Star series published by Sega. It is a successor to Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe, featuring similar gameplay. The initial version was released for Windows in Japan in July 2012. A PlayStation Vita version was released in February 2013, while a PlayStation 4 version was released in April 2016. A spin-off/companion game, Phantasy Star Online 2es, was released for Android and iOS in 2014. A Nintendo Switch version was released in April 2018. At E3 2019, it was announced that the game would be releasing outside of Asia for the first time on the Xbox One and Windows in early 2020.

Upon starting the game, the player can select one of several servers, known as "Ships," to play. Players create and customize their characters to be used in the game. The name, gender, race, character class, body and facial features are available for customization during the character creation process, and later, the player can acquire a number of accessories and aesthetic goods to further customize their characters. There are various races available to the players in the game, which include Human, Newman (bio-engineered humanoid elves), CAST (manmade androids), and Deuman (species that contains recessive Darker genes in them). Players also pick a starting class: in addition to the core classes Hunter, Ranger, and Force, the hybrid classes Braver and Bouncer, introduced in Episode 2 and 3 respectively, are also available. Furthermore, as of Episode 3, the advanced classes Fighter, Gunner and Techer are also playable immediately. Classes in Phantasy Star Online 2 are interchangeable; every character has access to all classes, although they all level individually, and can switch between them freely at any time from the lobby.

Welcome to the Phantasy Star Online 2 Boosting section. Order your leveling service in PSO2 and our sellers will handle the grind for you. Advanced Quests – Carry & On Account Boosts - Advanced quests in PSO2 are one of the best ways to get fast experience boost. All quests supported, Very Hard, Super Hard & Extreme Quests. Capsules are on us! And Here is How the Leveling Service Is Delivered:

1. You share your account info with the seller

2. The seller then proceeds with the order and gets you the desired achievement.

3. You get notified when the service has been completed to verify that you’ve received the agreed service

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Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Will Launch Globally June 9: PSO2 New Genesis is out on PC
2021-06-04 08:34

Sega has announced a global Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis release date of June 9, 2021. And the PSO2 New Genesis is making its way to Xbox and PC next Wednesday.

Phantasy Star Online 2: Popular online game PSO 2 will be available on Steam, Japan test will be in
2020-12-19 08:47

SEGA announced Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis at this year's Tokyo Game Show. The game will be launched on XSX/Xbox One/PC platforms in Europe and America in 2021.

PSO2 Meseta Farming Guide 2020: Best & Fast Way to Make Phantasy Star Online 2 Money PC/PS4/Xbox
2020-07-08 08:45

This guide will show you the best & fast way to make Meseta in Phantasy Star Online 2.