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Point Blank Account for Sale

Point Blank is a popular online first-person shooter game developed by Zepetto. In Point Blank, players are divided into two teams, the free Rebels and the Counter Terrorist Force, and engage in fast-paced battles across different maps. The game features a wide variety of weapons, including assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, pistols, and grenades.

The game currency in Point Blank is called "Cash," which is used to purchase various items, including weapons, character skins, and other in-game items. Players can earn cash by completing missions, participating in events, or by purchasing it using real money. To get these powerful items, you just need a Point Blank Account!

Best Place to Buy Legit and Cheap Point Blank Account Safely

Where can you find a cheap & legit Point Blank Account? Of course, you can only find them on Z2U.com. 10 years into business, Z2U.com have built up a fantastic reputation with a community of gamers that is one million strong. With z2u.com, the only thing you have to worry about is what deal to choose.

Transacting with other players through Z2U's marketplace is safe and secure. Thanks to our Z2U.com's Trading Protections, we ensure that all offers for Point Blank Accounts are genuine and that each purchase has been delivered before disbursement is issued. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us through our Customer Support, or email.

How to Get Your Point Blank Account?

1. Sign up at Z2U.com (or log in if you already have an account)

2. Browse through the Point Blank Account page and look for an offer that suits you

3. Once you select an offer, the seller will be notified so he/she can deliver the account to you (Note: Depending on whether the seller chose automatic or manual delivery, you’ll either receive the account instantly or you’ll need to work out the details with the seller)

4. As soon as you receive the account, check it to see if everything is as described in the offer

5. Make the confirmation to our system so the seller will get paid.