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Happy Birthday Greeting Video Performed by African Lions Fitness Team

Can be activated inUnited States Check region restrictions
Personalized Customization
Personalized customization refers to a unique product or service tailored to each user’s individual needs or specific preferences. It means the seller adjusts the content or details according to the user’s specific requests, providing an experience that fully aligns with the user’s expectations.
Works on:
Delivery Speed:
96 Hours
Seller Level
Selling for
More than 1 years
Successful orders
Sold Orders in 6 months
Less than 1K
Stock:In stock
1 = USD $24 
Total Amount
$ 24.00
Works on:
Delivery Speed:
96 Hours
This version of product can be activated in United States
The product region is restricted to:
Your country:
United States
Product Description


Thank you for your customized greeting video message, may the well wishes from different countries bring you joy.

We only record positive messages and reject any insults, derogatory language, and content related to politics/religion.

Please provide these info:

1. Enter the text to be handwritten on the board (maximum 15 words):

2. Which email address should the video be sent to?

3. What song should the band play?

4. Enter the text to be spoken (15-20 words).

5. Upload an image to be shown in the video:

6. May seller use your video for Tiktok?

$ 24.00