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Mad Devils: Damned-finitive Edition Account - Xbox(Full Access) - Global

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Xbox One/Xbox Series
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Account Ownership Transfer
Players to purchase a pre-existing game account,the full ownership and control of the account are transferred to the buyer, who can then log in and access all the account's resources.
Works on:
Xbox One,Xbox Series X/S
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
Seller Level
Selling for
More than 3 years
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Sold Orders in 6 months
Less than 1K
Stock:Adequate stock
1 = USD $3.565 
Total Amount
$ 3.57
Works on:
Xbox One,Xbox Series X/S
Delivery Speed:
1 Hours
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United States
Product Description
Mad Devils is a co-op retro arcade shooter set in a twisted WWII setting. What happens when Allied Special Forces hunting for Nazi occultists are betrayed, killed, and resurrected as demons? They get to work.Heroes never die, they just get redeployed in hell!In the final days of WWII, a desperate Nazi war machine embraced occult plans. The crazed Major Stoker planned to open the gates of hell. Mad Devils were sent to stop this mad scheme, but sometimes, pure heroism is not enough. The Mad Devils were defeated, cursed, and re-organized for one last mission in the underworld.Eight Devil soldiers, eight sets of powers, eight paths to victoryResurrected Sergeant Jack Asher is thrown into a chaotic abyss and explores hell to reassemble his fallen squad. Each teammate has been twisted, warped, and empowered with demonic abilities. Your expert team is now equipped with elemental and ethereal magic. Master them and complete your mission.Annihilate fire with fire from hellCrushing the demonic ambitions of the Nazis isn't enough with guns alone. You'll need the most occult weaponry you can get and enough magic to illuminate the dark void. Collect demonic crystals to enhance weapon performance, boost power, and gain experience through violence.Hell itself: more than just fire and brimstoneThe underworld is a strange and varied place. Most of it is a forever burning wasteland, while other areas are twisted reflections of the mortal world, featuring suffocating plants frozen by chilling winds or fortified by villainous Nazi legions.Nazis: It's worth killing twice to be sureHell was bad enough before WWII. Now it's a war zone, inhabited by greedy demons who have died but risen again and hellish Nazi legions. They didn't get the message the first time they died - it's time to repeat the lesson loud and clear.