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Quizlet Accounts for Sale

Quizlet is a multi-national American company used for studying and learning. It was founded by Andrew Sutherland in October 2005 and released to the public in January 2007. Quizlet's primary products include digital flash cards, matching games, practice electronic assessments, and live quizzes (similar to Wooflash or Kahoot!). As of December 2021, Quizlet's website claims it has over 500 million user-generated flashcard sets, and more than 60 million active users; moreover, it claims that 2 in 3 US high school students use Quizlet.

As a memorization tool, Quizlet lets registered users create sets of terms and definitions customized for their own needs. These sets of terms can then be accessible to students by studying a variety of modes. Flash Cards - This mode is similar to paper flashcards. Users are shown a "card" for each term, which they can flip over by clicking or using the arrow keys or space bar. The user has the option for the face of the card to be an image, a word, or both. Learn - In this mode, users answer flashcard, multiple choice, and written questions repeatedly. New words from the set are slowly introduced, and words already answered will return in the form of written questions until the word is identified correctly repeatedly. Write - In this mode, users are shown a term or definition and must type the term or definition that goes with what is shown. After entering their answer, they see if their answer was correct, and can choose to override the automatic grading and count their answer as right if needed. This mode was originally the "Learn" mode before being replaced by the newer version above. Spell - In this mode, the term is read out loud and users must type in the term with the correct spelling. If the user gets every answer correct, they are rewarded with a video of a monster truck doing a jump, wheelie, and flip. This game was previously known as Speller. Match - In this mode, users are presented with a grid of scattered terms. Users drag terms on top of their associated definitions to remove them from the grid and try to clear the grid in the fastest time possible. Micro-match is a related matching game geared towards mobile devices and devices with small screens. Match was previously attributed as "Scatter", though the game was the same. Live - In this mode, a Quizlet user (usually a teacher) breaks their class up into teams or plays the game with students individually. The teacher chooses whether to start with a definition or term. Each team will have to choose the correct term/definition to win. This game works by choosing a set of flashcards and putting these flashcards into a format that works for the game. If a player or team chooses the incorrect term or definition, the score will reset.

Quizlet Plus, Go & Teacher Accounts

Quizlet is a free solution which offers optional membership upgrades for both students and teachers. A Quizlet Plus for teachers subscription offers enhanced content creation features and formative assessment capabilities to track student progress. Each subscription is good for one year and renews automatically. Premium content is created by respected publishers, educators and organizations to help students and professionals achieve their study goals. Many of Quizlet’s premium content study materials directly align with textbooks, online courses, standardized tests and certifications. Quizlet Plus subscription offers students the best study experience on Quizlet with enhanced content creation features and more study controls. Each subscription is good for one year and renews automatically. Quizlet Plus subscribers can now get help from the Quizlet Learning Assistant with custom study paths, keep track of their Progress, and use smart grading to focus on concepts instead of rote memorization. See how you can study with the Quizlet Learning Assistant. Cheap Quizlet Plus Accounts, Quizlet Go Accounts & Quizlet Teacher Accounts & Quizlet Premium Accounts, Quizlet Students Accounts for sale, Ever since the start of Z2U in 2011, it has been the leading gaming marketplace with over a million members, and millions of trades between sellers and buyers. With a complete roster of legitimate sellers worldwide, there is no doubt that you will find the best deals here!