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Currency Riders of Icarus Gold Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5
Based on the total ratings of 9 orders in the past

  • Positive
    Quick, easy by mail :) Riders of Icarus Gold
    seller: IS3B
  • Positive
    Quick, easy sent by mail :) Riders of Icarus Gold
    seller: IS3B
  • Positive
    Another good sale! I wish you also sold items like Turkey Chicken Packages, F.E.N.R.I.S. Prototype Etc. then your service would be Perfect! ;) Riders of Icarus Gold
    seller: jlchacha
  • Positive
    The delivery time was a little slow, but order came within 24 hours. Riders of Icarus Gold
    seller: mmook
  • Positive
    Good service full delivery. Riders of Icarus Gold
    seller: jlchacha

Riders of Icarus Gold

Riders of Icarus is a 3D fantasy MMORPG with a strong emphasis on mounted aerial combat. Players can tame a large variety of creatures that they can ride over land or fly through skies to fight, explore, and claim territory for their guilds. Mount up, take to the skies, and experience mounted aerial combat in Riders of Icarus, a graphically impressive Korean MMORPG from WeMade Entertainment. Riders of Icarus is certainly one of the most graphically impressive titles from WeMade Entertainment. Choose from five playable classes classes including the Berserker, Assassin, Guardian, Priest, and Wizard. Journey through well-detailed and stunning environments made possible by the powerful CryEngine 3. Tame almost every creature in the game that can either serve as pets to fight alongside you or as mounts that can make your journey that much easier. Charge through gorgeous landscapes atop a savage wolf or soar through the heavens aboard your very own dragon as you embark on a quest to clear your name, rescue a princess, and save the world from evil forces. Riders of Icarus Key Features: Action-Packed Gameplay – experience combat that offers a mixture of point-and-click and action gameplay. Multiple Classes – five classes available including Berserker, Assassin, Guardian, Priest, and Wizard. Robust Taming System – tame almost every monster in the game, bosses included, and summon them as mounts in terrestrial or aerial combat. Aerial Combat – tame flying mounts such as dragons and griffins and take to the air to battle monsters and other players. Extensive PvP Features – test your skills against other players in real-time duels, open-world PvP zones, guild wars, arenas, and mounted PvP.

Like most MMORPGs, Riders of Icarus uses a gold-based currency as a way to procure goods, such as weapons and armor. While players can obtain gold in ROI via killing monsters and quests, it's still a major time sink if you're looking to purchase high-quality items for your character. For example, to get some of the best items in the game could require a time commitment of up to 30 or 40 hours just to farm the necessary gold. If you're a player who isn't interested in grinding for gold, gold sellers already exist to provide virtual currency to players in exchange for actual money. There are players who would rather Buy Cheap Riders of Icarus Gold than waste hours grinding it, so the Riders of Icarus gold marketplace is thriving.

Riders of Icarus Gold for Sale

Soar high up on the highest of winds. But before you ride high, make sure to fill your deep pockets with enough Riders of Icarus Gold for your long journey. Z2U.com is the perfect pit stop for you to load up on RoI currency. With safe transactions, we're the one-stop shop for all your online gaming needs! Since we have the best sellers among all RoI players you are guaranteed that they will give you the lowest price possible! Join our community to start browsing through what other players have to offer and find out what deals you can cut for yourself with the best gaming marketplace.

Riders of Icarus How to Get Elite Seal Stones, Where is the best place to farm Elite Seal Stones
2021-05-27 08:37

ROI Seal Stones are items that allow you to seal tamed familiars in order to either socket them into your gear for bonus stats or used to give talent points. So, how to get Elite Seal Stones in Riders of Icarus?