The latest update of League of Legends introduces a new support champion called Milio in the game. Many players are curious of the new champion and wonder know how to play Milio in the match. We are going to tell you how to play Milio support champion in this article and hope that you can master this champion well in League of Legends. Players can use LOL Accounts to select their favorite champions and play with your friends in the match.
How Milio Support Champion Works in League of Legends
Milio is an enchanter support who excels at peeling for his allies and buffing up champions, especially long-range marksmen and hyper carries like Jinx. Notably, he can provide allies with extra range and damage and offers a massive cleanse for his team when hit by hard engage. He does all of this while shielding and healing those around him, and knocking back pesky targets with his Q.
The Best Runes on Milio
An enchanter such as Milio will find Summon Aery's ability to harass opponents as well as protect his ADC very helpful. The extra source of damage from this rune and the long Q range can be a good poke and a source of good trades.
If you don't want to play Sorcery, then you can also try out a Resolve with Milio. This set of runes will be especially good under your ally's ADC. Enhancing shielding and heal and a bit of tenacity is all the new champion needs.
Best Items for Milio Build
Moonstone Renewer
Milio will play similarly to Soraka or Yuumi, as he will heal his allies with multiple abilities and provide movement speed buffs through a shield. Therefore, Moonstone Renewer will be one of the best items to build on him because it empowers the healing and shielding he provides to his allies. Additionally, it will synergize with the other items Milio will build in the later stages of the game.
Ardent Censer
This item will grant Milio's ally an attack speed buff, which synergizes immensely with the Attack Range buff that he provides via his kit. Ardent Censer also combines well with Moonstone Renewer, as both items increase the healing and shielding power of Milio. This item also grants additional Ability Power, which will help the burn from Milio deal additional damage when utilized by his ADC in fights.
How to Play Milio Support Champion in League of Legends
Milio's passive (Fired Up!) enchants whoever (himself or ally) he uses his ability on for a duration of four seconds, resulting in the auto attack of the select champion being empowered. For this reason, it is highly advisable for League of Legends players to look for short trades or poke whenever the passive is active in order to ensure that his kit is being utilized properly.
Milio's Q (Ultra Mega Fire Kick) somewhat resonates with Senna's W (Last Embrace) in the sense that it's an ability that should primarily be used as an escape tool. League of Legends players are highly advised to hold on to this ability and only use it in emergency situations or when an ally jungler is ganking their lane.
1. Focus on auto-attacking rather than using your Q as your Q is your main defensive tool early and will help you counter all-ins.
2. Avoid using your E to protect your ADC from autos early on, the mana cost is high, so only use it to intercept abilities.
3.When you are looking to fight, stand behind all your allies so you are not the main focus of their CC in team fights. You cannot use your Ultimate to save them if you’re CC’d too.
We think that you will have a deep understanding about Milio Build and Gameplay after reading this guidance. You will master this support champion well through several matches in League of Legends. If you want to compete against high level opponents in the game, you can Buy League of Legends Accounts to fight against opponents in high ranks.