When players first come into the world of Lost Ark,m they may receive the gifts with various kinds of potions in the beginning. Although there are many potions in your inventory, you will use them a lot in the later journey of the game. And you will find that these potions are not enough for completing quests. So, it is important for players to know how to craft more potions as early as possible. Additionally, if players are looking for the useful potions in the game, you can buy Cheap Lost Ark Gold to collect more kinds of useful potions for your characters in Lost Ark.
Before you do this, it’s important to understand the differences between the two types of health potions in Lost Ark: Healing and HP. Healing potions heal your character for a specific number of health points over an eight second time span, while HP potions heal for a specific percentage of your health points instantly. HP potions are also the only type that can be used in raids and some dungeons. For these reasons, HP potions are the more valuable type by a wide margin, especially as you approach Lost Ark’s endgame.
How to Craft Potions in Lost Ark
Before players are able to craft potions in Lost Ark, they need to have their Stronghold unlocked. The Stronghold is unlocked by taking back Luterra Castle, and by completing the quest Song of Hearth and Stronghold Ceremony.
Upon unlocking these, players can play the Song of Heath and Home to travel to their Stronghold, which is where they will be able to begin crafting potions.
Now that you have your Stronghold unlocked and know which potion you wish to craft, you can go through the tutorial quests to learn more about crafting potions. You will need the necessary materials before you can begin to craft them, such as plants and wood. You can check what ingredients are needed by going to the Workshop tab and selecting the potion you wish to craft. If you have the ingredients, you can craft them, or else you will have to go out and forage or get wood to complete the potion. You can also upgrade potions in the Lab to get stronger HP or Healing potions
To be able to craft items in the workshop, you need a lot of resources. You can farm the resources while questing or buy them from selected merchants. Furthermore, you can use the map to search for materials. It always shows with material icons which resources are available in the selected area.
You can craft all kinds of items in the workshop. You unlock the recipes for the workshop by researching in the lab or by questing. Once the workshop is researched, you can start crafting some green 30% potions with flowers.
So make sure you picked some flowers while leveling. Once the workshop reaches level 2, you will have access to crafting enhanced healing potions (45%) as well as signal flares for raids. To get the workshop to level 2, you will need just under 100 pieces of ore and wood.
Both healing and HP potions can be either purchased or obtained as rewards, and players are advised to manage these resources wisely and stock up on the most helpful potions for their current situation when possible. It may also be strategic to store HP potions to avoid using them until they're needed later, and some guides recommend selling healing potions in favor of Silver as-needed. It's important for "Lost Ark" players to know that HP potions can be used in dungeons and raids, whereas healing potions aren't available in these scenarios. So, it makes the most sense to save HP potions for those more critical battles.
When players face troubles in the battles against bosses in Lost Ark, it is a good way to use potions to pull through the quest. If players are eager to get more potions, you can Buy Lost Ark Gold to purchase them for your characters in Lost Ark.