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1 times⚡ Call of Duty⚡Robot Hall⚡Nuke town Random mode⚡ fast Start⚡ All platforms⚡Camouflageenhancement

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Buyer Customized Forms
скорость доставки:
45 минута
Напоминание продавцу
BO6 6V6 Robot Hall Rules rules: prohibit nuke, prohibit plane Please do not eliminate customers from the opposing team Each team designates one customer; Ensure that they are not the target Goal based pattern For long range shooting or continuous scoring kills In point or flag capture mode, occupy at least one target before focusing on destruction Take your main flag and do not occupy B. If not completed, The game will automatically end and will be scored. Kill Command Mode When playing the "Kill Command" mode, avoid obtaining high-value targets Integral of HVT. If you become an HVT, please prioritize eliminating yourself to prolong the game Time and increase its overall value,
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1 = USD $1 
общая сумма
$ 1.00
способ доставки:
Buyer Customized Forms
скорость доставки:
45 минута
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