Asia| AR 60| 20 5*characters,11 5*weapons[FurinaC2,Mualani,Citlali,Xilonen,Arlecchino,Raiden Shogun,Yelan,Hutao,Ayaka,Kazuha,Zhongli,,Xiao,KeqingC6 plus 9000 primogems
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Hoyoverse account | All platforms
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Kindly reach out to me for more information about the account, characters, builds, artifacts etc.
9000 plus primogems plus weapon banner pity 53
List of limited 5star characters- Furina (C2), Hutao, Yelan, Raiden Shogun, Ayaka, Mualani, Xilonen, Citlalai, Arlecchino, Kazuha, Zhongli, Xiao, Cyno
List of standard 5star characters- KeqingC6, JeanC2, TighnariC1, DeyhaC2, MonaC2, Qiqi, Dilluc
Account has a lot of really well built characters, can easily clear all endgame contents
List of 5star weapons- Jade Cutter, Engulfing Lightening, Staff of Homa, two Aqua Simulacra, Calamity Queller, Splendor of Tranquil Waters, Surf's Up, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, Skyward Pride, Skyward Blade